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A Safe Alternative to Cox-2 Inhibitors ?Views: 109
Jan 07, 2007 6:41 pm A Safe Alternative to Cox-2 Inhibitors ?

William Sharp
Perna canaliculus oil extract has a unique combination of fatty acids that are not found in any other marine or plant life. There has been millions of dollars researched on the effectiveness of this fatty acid compound which undoubtedly places this chain of omega fatty acids as the most potent natural anti-inflammatory in the world.

Researchers discovered that various blends of omega fatty acids that were mixed with perna canaliculus oil extract could either increase or decrease its effectiveness. After two years of preliminary work, a combination of highly beneficial oils and the active ingredients from perna canaliculus extract oil were used to develop a super omega fatty acid.

The combination of these marine sterols and lipid fractions has produced the most effective delivery system that assists in treating inflammatory disorders by inhibiting the 5-lipoxygenase pathway.

Initiation and control of the inflammatory process is complex and governed by an array of biomolecular mechanisms. One important pro-inflammatory mechanism is closely associated with cell-membrane bound arachidonic acid, which becomes converted into other compounds in the body which are potent inflammation-supporting substances.

This occurs by two major pathways in our metabolism:

The 5-lipoxygenase pathway leading to the formation of leukotrienes, many of the products of these pathways have potent inflammation-supporting properties. For instance, LTB 4 is a potent chemotactic agent capable of attracting large numbers of leucocytes (white blood cells), to the site of the injury. While LTC 4, LTD 4, and LTE 4, which are metabolites of LTB 4, are potent broncho constricting agents and were formerly identified as SRS-A's (slow reacting substance of anaphylaxis), a key factor in anaphylactic shock.

Currently used anti-inflammatory drugs function mainly by inhibiting the cyclo-oxygenase pathway. In view of the important functions of the inflammatory process ascribed to the lipoxygenase pathway, there has been considerable scientific effort to develop a 5-lipoxygenase pathway inhibitor over the past decade. Presently the cycloxygenase pathway drugs known as Cox-2 inhibitors are under review for their safety.

Since fatty acids are one of the most important nutrients the human body requires undoubtedly this super omega fatty acid is safe for all ages.

Bill Sharp

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